If you’re like us, you’ve experienced the struggle of buying and selling livestock. You’ve posted to several different websites in order to gain as much exposure as possible while being limited based on the area you live. You’ve sent direct messages to others, not knowing much about an animal before you inquire, only to find out some of your specific criteria was not met. You’ve worked with limited search functionality preventing you from finding exactly what you want. You’ve joined way more groups than you should have to, scrolled through insane numbers of listings, and spent an unfortunate amount of time going back and forth with potentials. We have to! This is the reason behind building TheHerdStop. We wanted to build a central location for all livestock exchanges where users can list their livestock with very specific and searchable information. We wanted users to be able to rate and review each other so you know a little about someone before dealing with them. We wanted to give everyone the best tools possible for making the process of searching, buying, and selling livestock a breeze. All of this to allow you more time to spend doing what you love the most… raising your animals!
This is still a very early attempt at building this extremely useful tool. Your feedback, comments, and suggestions go a long way to help us improve the experience for everyone!